المبادرة السورية لحرية القائد عبدالله اوجلان

Statement to the world public opinion


 In shadows of the continued isolation and dispossession of the leader Ocalan within an

unknown area of the island of Imrali, far from the standards recognized by the United Nations, in

terms of its good standing and what is happening there. The approach is still focused on the

right of The leader Ocalan to meet his lawyers and his family.

Here is the Turkish state, with its utmost fascist methods, rejects by a decision of its Public

Prosecution in the city of Bursa, the request of his lawyers to visit him, which it concerned the

European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights and prompted it to

request the European Committee against Torture in Detention Centers to visit Imrali Prison.

Apart from kidnapping and trial as two independent international crimes against the leader

Ocalan and the Kurdish nation, the defense team for the freedom of leader Ocalan in northern

and eastern Syria, reminds the world of its responsibilities regarding what is happening in Imrali

prison. The physical and mental torture put against the leader Ocalan as a result of isolation and

dispossession is enormous. Therefore, we urge the community of international institutions and

freedom loving entities, which maybe still silent or not sufficiently vocal, to examine all

international crimes committed by the Turkish state against peoples, and the extent of their

danger to freedom, democracy, peace and security in the world.

The Committee for Defending the Freedom of the leader Ocalan in North and East Syria, which

includes in its membership all lawyers in North and East Syria as well as many political and

human rights activists, as such, took the initiative to declare this statement due to the ongoing

danger it senses on the leader Ocalan. This Committee, respectfully urges and call upon the

United Nations General Assembly, to review and apply its resolution 43/173 principles issued on

09/12/1988 – containing set of principles relating to the protection of all persons subjected to any

form of detention or prison, and its other resolution issued on 04/12/1990 – containing the basic

principles for the treatment of prisoners, and the convention 39/46 issued on 10/12/1984 –

against torture and other forms of cruel, inhuman and intimidating treatment, or punishment.

Our Committee believes that; the true strength of values and principles of these great

resolutions has been violated by the Turkish state in regard to the leader Ocalan. This chain of

international silence that is elevating the level of violations committed by the Turkish state,

needs to end. Therefore, our Committee respectfully urge you to send all the needed

committees, especially the European Committee against Torture in Detention, to Imrali prison,

especially since the Turkish state has recently issued a package of penalties against the leader

Ocalan in his terrible cell.. in which there is no space for life and rights.The level of exaggeration

is chauvinistic and violating of basic rights, under the pretext of a six months temporary order.

This technique has been created to cause illusion in regard to reason and time.. to deceive and

dodge the world about the real dispossession and Isolation time of the leader Ocalan in Imrali

prison since 08/15/1990.

The Turkish state is still defying the international community with its daily violations of the

general and human international laws. The violation of the essential rights of the leader Ocalan

to life, freedom and thought, by the Turkish state; is the gate for all its violations of protected

rights by public, international and humanitarian laws.

The Committee for Defending the Freedom of the Leader in North and East Syria